Sunday, February 1, 2009

Saturday - Sunday

Woke up late in the morning , mum fetched Ivana and I to a primary class reunion . After that , I went Sunway Pyramid to meet up with Daniel and we took a cab back to my place . We played ps3 and have lunch .

We arrived at Sunway Pyramid again around 3pm and meet up with Mk and Zhe Chair . We checked in the hotel and waited for Sz to arrive . All of us watched a touching movie called Changeling , Mk was crying throughout the movie . We meet up with Jyb and Carl Wen after the movie . Played football inside our hotel room .

After having dinner in a mamak stall , we went clubbing at Barcelona . We sat at the VIP area and started drinking . Loser Wayne came after awhile . Saw a few people from CHS that night . The atmosphere was awesome , everyone was being high . Danced like I've never dance before ? Jyb had a lot of attention went he started dancing ! I also saw people fighting and they settle outside , police car came . We went back to our hotel around 4am . Had supper in the mamak stall which is crowded with people . We couldn't sleep because Carl Wen keep telling us jokes .

Woke up at 8am by Carl Wen . After eating breakfast at the mamak , I took a cab back home .

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